
Sleep irritability / Brain zaps / Hypoglycaemia

yunsoo.note 2024. 7. 5. 18:57

Brain zaps anxiety symptoms   

youtube: brain zaps anxiety commentary 👨‍🦳

Brain zaps and head shivers, often described as sudden, brief electrical sensations in the brain, which can feel like your brain or head was suddenly jolted, buzzed, zapped, electric shocked, or had a tremor, are common anxiety symptoms.

  • Brain zaps, brain shakes, head zaps, brain shivers, tremors or sudden vibrations generally last only for a few moments.
  • Brain zaps, shakes, shivers, jolts, tremors or vibrations occur without warning, although some people say they can feel them coming on.
  • Some people say they also experience a burst of bright light with the brain zap.
  • Some people say their eyes shake with the brain zap.
  • Some people say they experience ringing, buzzing, or pulsing in the ear(s) during and after the brain zap.
  • Some people become nauseate or sick to their stomach during and after the brain or head zap.


Chronic stress, such as the stress caused by overly apprehensive behavior, has a deleterious effect on the body, and in particular, the nervous system (which includes the brain). Chronic stress not only affects neurotransmitter levels, including GABA and Glutamate, the body’s primary excitatory neurotransmitter, but it also adversely affects neurons and how they function.

🌈 One can mistake hypnic jerks for brain zaps: link

A hypnic jerk – myoclonus - is an involuntary twitch of one or more of the body’s muscles that occur as you are transitioning from a wakeful state to a sleeping state. They can range in degree from barely noticeable to so dramatic that they startle you awake.

Other sensations associated with a hypnic jerk include:

  • A feeling as though you are falling
  • A sudden jump in heart rate
  • A quickening of breathing
  • A sudden hot flash or cold or hot sweat
  • A dream that you are falling or are about to get into grave danger

Even though these sensations can be alarming, they are not an indication of an underlying medical or mental health problem. Hypnic jerks are common and a part of our human experience. 🥲💆🏻‍♀️

While there is no specific cause of hypnic jerks, stimulation seems to play a role. The more stimulated the body is when going to sleep, the more likely you’ll experience a hypnic jerk.

Reducing the body’s stimulation overall can reduce the incidences of hypnic jerks.

wake up shaking: common causes and tips

Low blood sugar (Hypoglycaemia)


  • Shaking
  • Fast heartbeat (tachycardia) and palpitations
  • Dizziness
  • Anxiety
  • Confusion
  • Paleness
  • Sweating
  • Blurred vision
  • Headache
  • Tiredness and irritability
  • Extreme hunger


  • Not eating enough or going without food for a long time
  • Drinking excessive alcohol
  • Engaging in intense exercise
  • Taking too high a dose of medication, like insulin, if you have diabetes and in relation to your blood sugar levels.


  • Eat a healthy diet
  • Stay physically active
  • Practice mindfulness and deep breathing exercises

Quora: This happens in the first phase of sleep. When you doze off, your breathing becomes slower and shallower. Your brain senses the lowering of the blood oxygen levels and tries to judge if your body is 'alive'.
For this, it sends a strong, short motor impulse to the body to see if it responds. This response makes your body tremble

.... wow... 🤯 


Quora: The first happens when your glucose levels are become too low usually because of exercising too later or eating foods that are rapidly absorbed into your bloodstream. The second reason-panic attacks-are not fully explained but it is thought that trauma and catastrophic thinking could be causes.

Quora: Coconut water is high in potassium as well as giving your body the glucose it needs. When I wake up I am dizzy, trembling and heart races. I try to keep myself calm, because the adrenal rush creates another spike of insulin. Last night I tried to fight it off by going back to sleep and two hours later still trembling and could feel a tightness in my chest like my heart cramping (heart needs glucose) and when I drank the coconut water and chased it down slowly with regular water, the shaking stopped and my heart felt fine. Also what helps is B1 and B6 vitamins. Get really good sources from a health food store. 

Hypoglycemic brain damage

Hypoglycemia only causes neuronal death when the EEG becomes flat. This usually occurs after glucose levels have fallen below 1 mM (18 mg/dL) for some period.

18 mg/dL = 1,0 mmol/L

Low Blood Sugar Symptoms

Early Signs Blood Sugar Is Low

Shakiness or jitteriness
Confusion and/or irritability
Dizziness and/or light-headedness
Vision and/or speech difficulties

Signs of Hypoglycemia Unawareness

What can be especially troubling about low blood sugar is that, in some cases, there are no outward signs. This type of hypoglycemia is called hypoglycemia unawareness. There is a greater risk with this condition, as you only experience symptoms once blood sugar levels have dropped so low that they cause hypoglycemic shock.

Understanding Nocturnal Hypoglycemia

hypoglycemia in non diabetic 

What can cause hypoglycemia even if you’re not diabetic?   

Is Non-Diabetic Hypoglycemia Dangerous? Exploring The Risks And Management  

How to approach hypoglycemia in non-diabetic patients ? (A case based approach)    

Top Foods for Stabilizing Blood Sugar | Reverse Your Diabetes | Dr. Dwain Woode


glycated hemoglobin / HbA1c 

 adrenal insufficiency