react for web designers / react native
react native :
react by Dev Ed :
Build a Recipe App With React | React Tutorial For Beginners
Academind - youtube :
Why you should look into these React component styling options!
Blue Rim Design - youtube :
using scss in react
import scss to react
import scss files :
How to import SCSS files in React component only when it renders?
react for web designers link
React for Designers link
Why Learning ReactJs Makes Sense In 2020? link
Businesses are quickly adopting this technology because of the simplicity and ease it offers in implementing and ability to learn in bare minimum time. Code reusability along with hassle-free modification in existing functionalities meant allocating very little time and budget on the development and building larger teams.
React란? link
5.React Native 레이아웃 디자인 - 2부 배치(Flex Direction)와 정렬(justify content, align items) link
pros and consReact란? 장점? 단점? link
consReact Native 를 쓰면 단점 지식인 link (reactive native 카페link)
Slack Apple TV App written in React Native link
Slack Apple TV App written in React Native
To initialize your React Native App you basically run the react-native command as shown below.