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Adobe Fonts included with Creative Suite https://fonts.adobe.com/ Adobe Fonts Adobe Fonts partners with the world’s leading type foundries to bring thousands of beautiful fonts to designers every day. No need to worry about licensing, and you can use fonts from Adobe Fonts on the web or in desktop applications. fonts.adobe.com Fonts List Licensing: https://helpx.adobe.com/fonts/using/font-licensing.html Font licensing Adobe Fonts offer.. 2024. 3. 19. 17:03 더보기
Design brief What Is a Design Brief and How to Write It How to Write a Design Brief (with Examples) What Is a Design Brief and How to Write ItLearn how to stay aligned and keep your design project on track.In order for the designer to do the best job they can, first, it's crucial to understand exactly what the design task requires.This is where the desig www.nuclino.com Mock Brief Websites: link from "HOW TO.. 2022. 2. 2. 02:19 더보기
Where we're headed ... Apple Design Part 2: Beyond Flat Trends to pay attention to in 2022 (for designers) 1. Crypto & NFTs 2. Short videos 3. Post-Pandemic world 4. No code 2022. 1. 25. 21:26 더보기
golden ratio Golden Ratio Theory | Basics for Beginners [ 0 , 1 , 1 , 2 , 3 , 5 , 8 , 13 , 21 , 34... ] the golden ratio was derived from the Fibonacci sequence. a sequence in which the next number in the sequence is a total of itself and the previous number, starting at 0. golden ratio / golden spiral / golden circles the reason this is important is because it determines a rate of growth that is first of al.. 2021. 11. 19. 21:24 더보기
the comprehensive 8pt grid https://medium.com/swlh/the-comprehensive-8pt-grid-guide-aa16ff402179 The comprehensive 8pt Grid Guide Start your UI project right with this extended framework for the 8pt grid: Typography, Icons and Layout. medium.com Left Nav Bar UI Design: Setting Up Your Grid Layout in Figma https://help.figma.com/hc/en-us/articles/360040450513-Create-layout-grids-with-grids-columns-and-rows https://help.fig.. 2021. 10. 3. 22:31 더보기
Google’s Best Tips For UX & Web Design 2019 Google’s Best Tips For UX & Web Design 2019 2021. 4. 14. 23:10 더보기
hand off design files / Figma file Handing off designs to software engineers (using flows and annotations) handoff tools - Figma > Zeplin > Invision > Adobe XD (2021) A Comprehensive Guide to Executing The Perfect Design-to-Development Handoff Top 10 Design Handoff Tools for Designers and Developers Limitation of Figma A problem with Figma is that you can't own your own content made with Figma unless you have an organization acco.. 2021. 3. 20. 19:38 더보기
What Is Open Graph Protocol (OGP)? www.popwebdesign.net/what-is-ogp.html What Is Open Graph Protocol (OGP)? Open Graph Protocol (OGP) is a set of instructions intended for highlighting the title, description, URL and the image of a website you are sharing via Facebook. www.popwebdesign.net OGP was created in 2010 by Facebook engineers and has been used since solely and exclusively to control the connection of content and its shar.. 2020. 10. 12. 23:29 더보기