Online-Chat with a TK consultant : (Eng.)
chat 1 (Jul. 2021) - with a pink referral (statutory) -
구글맵 통해서 여러군데 통화한 후, 평 괜찮은 physiotherapist 대부분이 사보험 커버라는 것을 알고 일단 전화 예약 포기. 공보험으로 커버되는 곳만 찾을 수 있는 자체 시스템 있는지 문의하기로 함. 일전에 C 다리 치료 중 깔창제작 지원 받았을때 관련된 곳 검색하는 TK 서비스 페이지( )를 C 동료분이 알려주어 그런 비슷한 페이지 있는지 문의. 아래는 테카 답변
TK consultant :
Unfortunately not for the physiotherapy. This page is the search for partners if you need tools, such as wheelchairs for example.
TK consultant :
May I ask in which state do you live ? I can share a link to a website where you can find the physiotherapy.
Here is the link for the search: .
And the osteopathic treatment is a bit special. It isn´t possible that the doctor change the referral. But you can get a new prescription from the doctor and then you can do it parallely.
The important thing to know about the osteopathic is, that it´s normaly not covered through the public health insurances like us. But we have a special contract for our members. It´s so that you have to pay it by yourself and then we refund it. 40 Eur per appointment, but only 3 times per year.
chat 2 (Aug. 2021) - with a blue referral (private)
공보험 치료가 한계가 있는 것 같아서 테카가 세 번 제공한다는 사보험 혜택을 받아보기로 함
사보험 private referral (blue paper) 지원 문의 : 사보험 진단서는 C 다리 검진 받고 깔창 제작 위버바이중 받았던 병원에서 받음 (link) 의사선생님이 보험사에 지원 어디까지인지 확인해보라고 해서 테카 온라인챗 통해서 지원범위, 청구 방법 문의함. 아래는 답변.
TK consultant :
Hello ***. We subsidise 3 osteopathic treatments per calendar year and you get 40 euros back per treatment.
For reimbursement we need your doctor's prescription and your private bill from the osteopath.
unfortunately it doesn't work by e-mail. Do you have our TK app or are you registered on our homepage?
have completed the registration (you will receive an activation code by post 😬), you can upload the documents to us via the online area.
You have to register here first::
독일 공보험 (gesetzliche Krankenversicherung), 사보험 (privat)
If you have a job in Germany, and earn less than 64.350 euros per year (in 2021), you will be automatically enrolled in the statutory health insurance system.
Your employer will usually register you with a local health insurance company, although you can state a preference for a specific insurer, if you wish.
If any of the above apply to you, you can choose to voluntarily opt-in to statutory health insurance, or take out private health insurance, which, depending on your income, may work out cheaper for you.
SBK (Siemens-Betriebskrankenkasse) (with customer service in English)
BARMER (registration and onboarding in English)
TK (Techniker Krankenkasse) (with customer service in English by Feather)
What treatment is covered by statutory health insurance?
German statutory health insurance offers fairly comprehensive coverage
The sickness funds all charge the same basic rate of 14,6% of your gross salary (up to a maximum limit of 4.837,50 euros per month in 2021). This contribution is split equally between you and your employer (7,3% each) and topped up with government subsidies.
Under the German healthcare system, if you are a resident living and working in Germany, you may be eligible for state healthcare in Germany, provided you are registered with state health insurance in Germany. Otherwise, you typically need to take out private health insurance. link
All maternity costs are covered by statutory insurance. link
TK Well-covered in Germany and abroad
As a rule, doctors can bill us directly through this card. If that is not the case, submit the invoice to us and you will receive a refund. Important: Be sure to keep all documents related to the treatment (such as prescriptions and payment receipts). link