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Wacom pen keeps disconnecting

Disconnecting problem with intuous pro medium size (PTH-660)




  • Check Device Manager to make sure that the DTU appears in the list of connected devices - if not try reinstalling the Wacom driver and rebooting.
  • Make sure the tablet USB is directly connected to a USB port in the back of the machine (a port on the mainboard) and not through a hub or other USB extension.
  • A1: Try to move the tablet away from other electrical devices - sometimes proximity can cause interference resulting in pen jitter.
    If you see jitter effects try moving the tablet around to see if that has an influence on the issue.
    If this remedies the situation then either maintain that distance or use some shielding.
    Although it is not possible to give a definite rule for the correct distance to avoid interference we would recommend at least 30cm where multiple tablets are being used.


맥북에서 아이맥을 모니터로 미러링해서 쓸 때 문제가 발생하는 것 같음. C타입 라인으로 연결해서 쓰는 것이 문제일 수도 있다고 생각했는데 아이맥 미러링을 끄고 C타입으로 연결해서 썼을 때는 문제 발생하지 않았음. 확실하지 않음 - -;;; 좀 더 테스트해봐야할 듯.

썬더볼트라인으로 다시 아이맥을 디스플레이용으로 미러링하고 아이맥 관련 트랙패드, 마우스, 키보드 전원을 모두 끈 상태로(A1) 사용해보고 있는 중, 지금까지는 연결상태 양호.