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tricky 'sticky position' sticky 포지션을 취하는 경우 바깥 wrapper(바로 위의 래퍼만이 해당되는 것이 아니라 상위 어느 래퍼이든)에 overflow:속성이 hidden일때 sticky가 제대로 렌더링되지 않음 2023. 10. 24. 17:29 더보기
non-hyphenation of capitalized words https://studiok40.com/things-that-drive-me-crazy-in-css-non-hyphenation-of-capitalized-words/ CSS rules that drive me crazy: non-hyphenation of capitalized words - Studio K40 Sometimes I spend an hour trying to figure out what is wrong with my code, only to finally figure out that this is a “browser feature“, not a bug with my CSS. According to https://www.w3.org/TR/css-text-3/#hyphenation Corre.. 2023. 10. 23. 21:48 더보기
Firefox Console, 퍼블리싱 체크 퍼블리싱 후 Console 창 확인할 것, 레이아웃이나 자바스크립트 동작 등의 가시적 에러가 없어도 콘솔 상의 메시지를 통해 코딩상의 모순을 바로잡을 수 있음 1. css 맵 파일이 서버에 없을때 보이는 메시지: Source map error: Error: request failed with status 404 Resource URL: https://----/res/css/style------.css Source Map URL: style-----.css.map scss 컴파일 후 css파일을 올릴때 맵파일 함께 올려주기. scss 원본은 상관 없음 2. 애드 블락 설치하고 비지터 카운팅 소스 입혔을때 메시지: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Privacy.. 2023. 8. 17. 17:48 더보기
Sass converter ignores @charset ? Sass converter ignores @charsetlink Sass keeps the @charset declaration only if needed (non-ASCII character in your file). Anyway, you file will be utf-8 as sass first checks the Unicode byte order mark, then the @charset declaration, then the Ruby string encoding. If none of these are set, it will assume the document is in UTF-8. Sass documentation 또하나의 래빗홀 🕳🐇 을 막 빠져나왔... dart sass 컴파일러 사용 후 컴파.. 2022. 7. 9. 20:27 더보기
--allow-file-access-from-files 안정성 문제 에버노트 티스토리 - 로컬파일 ALLOW LOCAL FILE ACCESS IN CHROME (WINDOWS) You’ll most likely need to run this with at least admin access, and I would caution visiting unknown sites with this setting on, as they could capitalize on your setting and potentially read local files. Update, see my newer post on using node and http-server to create a local web server to get around these issues: Local web server for.. 2022. 7. 8. 17:17 더보기
SVG external spritemap instances not viewable in local environment 에버노트 : - SVG 사용/스프라이트 로컬에서 안 보이는 문제 안정성문제 / 에버노트 1. HTTP SERVER : html서버 돌려서 해결 : npm install http-server -g - 글로벌에 이미 설치됨 작업 폴더 > html (index.html페이지 존재하는 폴더)로 이동 : 터미널 두 개 열어서 한번에 돌리기 터미널 http-server 1-1. by using Live Server in VS Code 2. LOCAL FILE ACCESS : 브라우저 로컬 파일 액세스 설정 바꿔서 해결 : Chrome : in the command linestackoverflow / link open /Applications/Google\ Chrome.app --args --allow-file-ac.. 2022. 7. 8. 00:06 더보기
copy link to highlight : link directly to specific locations within a page https://stackoverflow.com/questions/17050563/how-to-link-to-specific-line-of-text-in-page-using-only-url There is an experimental feature in Chrome 74called Scroll To Text Fragment which allows you to specify phrases to be highlighted in a URL. We may have to wait a while before this becomes finalised and supported in browsers by default. Meanwhile, if the article to which you want to link also .. 2022. 7. 7. 22:12 더보기
Design brief What Is a Design Brief and How to Write It How to Write a Design Brief (with Examples) What Is a Design Brief and How to Write ItLearn how to stay aligned and keep your design project on track.In order for the designer to do the best job they can, first, it's crucial to understand exactly what the design task requires.This is where the desig www.nuclino.com Mock Brief Websites: link from "HOW TO.. 2022. 2. 2. 02:19 더보기