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Geometric shape dot artwork / colorswatches

Geometric shape dot artwork :  dotted lines spiraled into center 

Geometric shape dot artwork in Adobe Illustrator (AMAZING TRICK!)

'polygon' in the left toolbar > click once > polycon dialog window => radius (반지름) : 900px / sides : 6

property > appearance > click 'stroke' text(underlined) => weight : 15pt, cap / cap,corner : round, align stroke : center / aligns dashes to corners... / dash : 1pt, gap : 50pt

gradient palet => click the gradient rectangle to activate 

effect > distort & transform > transform => horizontal : 91%, vertical : 91% / options : check following 3 (transform objects, transform patterns, scale strokes & effects) / rotate > angle : 12 - tweak the angle using the arrow keys (click the input) 

object > expand appearance

object > expand => 'stroke'(expand)

ungroup (⇧ + ⌘ + G) 3 times -> layer : <path> and <compound path>

object > compound path > release

group (⌘ + G)


choose a coloscheme in https://color.adobe.com/explore > add to a library

illustrator > library => right-click on 'color theme' > add theme to swatches 

(this only works if you have Creative Cloud in terms of getting the color this way link)


google 'random swatches fill illustrator script'

install 'Random Swatches Fill http://vectorboom.com/load/freebies/freescripts/randomswatchesfill/22-1-0-167

Install the script( 'RandomSwatchesFill.js' ) into the following folder:

Applications / Adobe\Adobe Illustrator CS5\Presets\en_GB\Scripts

close illustrator down and reopen it.  now I have  "file > scripts > RandomSwatchesFill   link


ungroup the object (⇧ + ⌘ + G) and click the parts to apply the color.

hold command(⌘) and click on the colors in the swatches panel

apply script : file > scripts > RandomSwatchesFill  



3D Halftone Wave Effect Illustrator Tutorial