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🧊 💎  Apply the Golden ratio

Golden Ratio Theory | Basics for Beginners   

[ 0 , 1 , 1 , 2 , 3 , 5 , 8 , 13 , 21 , 34... ]

the golden ratio was derived from the Fibonacci sequence.

a sequence in which the next number in the sequence is a total of itself and the previous number, starting at 0.

golden ratio / golden spiral / golden circles

the reason this is important is because it determines a rate of growth that is first of all sequential but second of all inherently pleasing to the eye. link

that's the rate of growth of an object which is pleasing to the eye inherently. link

Φ phi
mathematically it's known as Phi and uses this circular symbol with the line through it and it's best represented by a rectangle whose longer edge is one point six one eight times the length of its short edge or its Phi. link
the golden spiral is a spiral which has a growth factor of Phi is found all over the natural and man-made world and is inherently pleasing. link
essentially this growth rate of shapes and scales is pleasing to look at for human beings we don't know why it just seems to be nice essentially. link 

The Golden Ratio for Logo or Icon Design in Illustrator

[ do math in the transform window in a top bar ] w: --px / 1,618  link (with chain link on link)  

one of the cool things about adobe illustrator is you can do math right here in these these little input fields. link

I've got my little Chain link on, so it's going to apply this math to both the width and the height  link

the Fibonacci sequence, the Golden Ratio is 1.618. link 

we have these two circles and their correspondence to each other is that, that ratio of 1.618 So it is the, the golden ratio if you will. link

  Happy Fire Artwork - Adobe Illustrator Tutorial


shaping with circles - bird's head link