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scroll-behavior: smooth; scroll-behavior: smooth; 정의돼 있을때 GSAP scroll triger 모바일 에러. flickering 2023. 11. 2. 00:37 더보기
tricky 'sticky position' sticky 포지션을 취하는 경우 바깥 wrapper(바로 위의 래퍼만이 해당되는 것이 아니라 상위 어느 래퍼이든)에 overflow:속성이 hidden일때 sticky가 제대로 렌더링되지 않음 2023. 10. 24. 17:29 더보기
non-hyphenation of capitalized words https://studiok40.com/things-that-drive-me-crazy-in-css-non-hyphenation-of-capitalized-words/ CSS rules that drive me crazy: non-hyphenation of capitalized words - Studio K40 Sometimes I spend an hour trying to figure out what is wrong with my code, only to finally figure out that this is a “browser feature“, not a bug with my CSS. According to https://www.w3.org/TR/css-text-3/#hyphenation Corre.. 2023. 10. 23. 21:48 더보기
Firefox Console, 퍼블리싱 체크 퍼블리싱 후 Console 창 확인할 것, 레이아웃이나 자바스크립트 동작 등의 가시적 에러가 없어도 콘솔 상의 메시지를 통해 코딩상의 모순을 바로잡을 수 있음 1. css 맵 파일이 서버에 없을때 보이는 메시지: Source map error: Error: request failed with status 404 Resource URL: https://----/res/css/style------.css Source Map URL: style-----.css.map scss 컴파일 후 css파일을 올릴때 맵파일 함께 올려주기. scss 원본은 상관 없음 2. 애드 블락 설치하고 비지터 카운팅 소스 입혔을때 메시지: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Privacy.. 2023. 8. 17. 17:48 더보기
Marina Chapman 🥲 I Lived With Monkeys In The Jungle | Minutes With | @LADbible Last night I couldn't get back to sleep and I happened to watch this video, .. crying, curled up in my bed. I wanna give her a big hug. When she laughed or giggled like a little kid, I smiled, too. Such a beautiful, genuine, and contagious smile, it's just admirable given what she might have been through. Despite her wrinkle-covered s.. 2023. 7. 27. 17:19 더보기
A free CDN for open source projects 에버노트 Use any GitHub repo as a CDN Use any GitHub repo as a CDN Have you ever thought how use your own GitHub or anyone else’s GitHub as a CDN to link into your project? Well, check here how to do this! medium.com A free CDN for open source projects jsDelivr - A free, fast, and reliable CDN for JS and Open Source Optimized for JS and ESM delivery from npm and GitHub. Works with all web formats. S.. 2023. 7. 11. 17:10 더보기
Summer Solstice Wed, Jun 21, 2023, 4:57 PM Since I moved to Europe where daylight time has its extreme length-disparity between winter and summer, I've kind of developed some habit of checking the winter/summer solstice. On the winter solstice, I feel relieved, and on the summer solstice, well, a little frustration and a lot of sorrow of letting go overtake me. It is now downhill for daylight length if you will.. 2023. 6. 21. 16:15 더보기
How to Write to NTFS Drives on a Mac https://www.howtogeek.com/236055/how-to-write-to-ntfs-drives-on-a-mac/ How to Write to NTFS Drives on a Mac Apple’s macOS can read from Windows-formatted NTFS drives, but can’t write to them out of the box. Here are a few solutions for getting full read/write access to NTFS drives. www.howtogeek.com Paid Third-Party Drivers: There are third-party NTFS drivers for Mac that you can install, and th.. 2023. 5. 25. 22:01 더보기